Hubert Law, Ph.D., PE
Principal Engineer
Dr. Law has over 30 years of management and technical project experience in the areas of major long-span bridges, pipelines, wharf facilities, and tunnels. He has procured and helped to manage numerous large design-build as well as traditional design-bid-build projects with multimillion dollar geotechnical contracts such as the first design-build segment of the California High Speed Rail, the Oakland Airport Bart Connector, and the I-405 HOV Design-Build Phase I project. Dr. Law has applied his technical expertise in numerical modeling procedures, earthquake ground motions, and soil-structure interaction to develop seismic design criteria for several major transportation projects, including the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge East Spans, the new Carquinez (suspension) bridge, the Devil's Slide Tunnel, and the 4th Bore Caldecott Tunnel.
Dr. Law earned his M.S. in Geological Engineering at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and is a registered Civil Engineer in California and Washington. Dr. Law has authored NCHRP guidelines for conducting soil-structure interaction design analyses for bridges, in addition to numerous technical papers.