Amir Zand, Ph.D., PE, GE
Senior Engineer
Dr. Zand has been with EMI since 2005. He as a PhD degree in Civil Engineering from University of Southern California, and M.S and B.S degrees from University of Tehran. Working out of the Hayward office, he provides geotechnical services for clients in the San Francisco Bay area.
Dr. Zand has solid backgrounds and practical experience in geotechnical investigation, numerical modeling, site response analyses, seismic hazard evaluation, liquefaction evaluation, slope stability analyses and foundation design.
For the past 3 years, he successfully completed geotechnical engineering and design works for the 5th Street Bridge over Feather River, Yuba City, CA; the SMART Larkspur Extension Project, San Rafael, Marin County, CA; the Centre Street Pedestrian Bridge over San Juan Creek, Shandon, San Luis Obispo County, CA; and the BART 19th Street Station, Oakland, CA. Recently, he is supervising a team of geotechnical engineers and geologists for a number of task orders under the BART General Engineering Services (GES) contracts: Retrofit of BART Tunnel at Hayward Fault, Seismic Retrofit of 'A' Line Aerial Structure, Installation and Replacement of Traction Power Facilities, and Slope Stabilization at Camino Diablo Road.