Raj Varatharaj, PE, GE
Vice President and Principal
With over 18years of experience, Mr. Varatharaj leads the pursuit and management of port-related projects. He has broad-based technical expertise including design and analysis of foundations for ports, harbor, and marine structures, bridges, highways, earth retaining structures, slopes, various types of ground improvement methods, soil-structure interaction, field and laboratory testing. He worked as a lead geotechnical engineer on numerous Port of Los Angeles (POLA), Port of Long Beach (POLB) and naval facility projects. He has extensive experience in construction of various marine structures and ground improvement projects.
Mr. Varatharaj earned his M.S. at the University of Oklahoma, Norman and is a registered Civil and Geotechnical Engineer in California. Mr. Varatharaj serves on technical committees including the ASCE Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute (COPRI) and the ASCE committee for developing national standards for design of piers and wharves. He has authored/coauthored 11 technical papers on geotechnical and earthquake engineering.